's Recent Videos

A Race and a Fight on the Track

A Race and a Fight on the Track

In Indiana, a race car event got a little more heated than normal. A driver purposely drove in the infield to get to another driver who he was upset with. When the driver crashed into the other racer's car, both of them got out and started throwing punches! View Now
Driving with Someone on Your Windshield

Driving with Someone on Your Windshield

Recently in China and Scotland, there were similar incidents where drivers had security or police personnel on their windshield. Both of these drivers were caught on surveillance video. We don't think these drivers will be on the road anytime soon! View Now
Pregnant Mother Leaps Into River to Save Drowning Child

Pregnant Mother Leaps Into River to Save Drowning Child

A pregnant Chinese woman is being praised as a hero by some and condemned by others, after she leapt into a cold river to save a drowning 2-year-old child. Critics say that her actions could have had long term consequences for her own pregnancy. Her supporters say that the child would have died if nothing would have been done. View Now
A Grass Pimple

A Grass Pimple

Have you ever seen a grass pimple? Well, this is what we think it would look like! The grass in this video had too much water so one guy tried to pop the water out of the ground. View Now
Bam Margera Kayaks Off 100-Foot Cliff

Bam Margera Kayaks Off 100-Foot Cliff

Bam Margera and Steve Fisher are recorded with Contour cameras as they plummet one hundred feet off a cliff in this tandem kayak adventure. This is actually what sent Bam to the hospital to have emergency surgery on a hernia caused by the impact. He still said it was the gnarliest thing he has ever done! View Now
Alleged Police Brutality in Long Beach Store

Alleged Police Brutality in Long Beach Store

This story is about to ignite the web! A man in this video is the recipient of some alleged police brutality by Long Beach Police. The man was detained and tased by four officers after the man allegedly assaulted an officer. The incident is currently under investigation. View Now
How to Unload Cars from a Flatbed Truck

How to Unload Cars from a Flatbed Truck

Imagine having to get your car off a tiny flat bed truck. You think you can do it? Check out this guy who has to unload multiple cars with only inches of room to work with. One wrong move and the car falls down to the ground. View Now
Canadian Protesters Get Naked for Cause

Canadian Protesters Get Naked for Cause

A huge group of Canadian protesters gathered in Montreal to protest recent law changes to student tuition costs and protest laws. We're not sure why they had to get naked to do it, but it seems to have caught on pretty quickly! View Now
Rock Rolling in Norway

Rock Rolling in Norway

Have you ever wanted to force rocks down a hill? Well, you might want to head to Norway for rock rolling, or what the locals call Steinvelting. Just make sure you don't go downhill with the rock! View Now
Fur Seal Rescued from Tangled Fishing Nets

Fur Seal Rescued from Tangled Fishing Nets

A couple of rescuers in Oregon were just in time to rescue a entangled fur seal. The seal was trapped in a tangle of abandoned fishing nets. This seal was tired from struggling against the nets, but was able to swim away without any difficulties. View Now
Time-Lapse Shows off 2012 Olympic Village

Time-Lapse Shows off 2012 Olympic Village

It's a really big year for London! They've been busy getting ready for the 2012 Summer Olympics, including the gigantic Olympic Village in Newham. This time-lapse shows just how much they had to build in such a sort period of time! View Now
How to Transport Wood in Russia

How to Transport Wood in Russia

This is not an ideal lumber truck. Apparently, no other trucks were available to carry wood, so two men in Russia found a truck that would get the job done. However, this truck looks like it's going to fall apart as it is carrying the wood! View Now
People Stealing Potted Plants at Grocery Store

People Stealing Potted Plants at Grocery Store

This could be one of the strangest things to steal. Two people in Chelsea, MA stole plants that are used as decoration at a local grocery store. We think this grocery store should start selling their plants on top of their grocery business! View Now
