's Recent Videos

Scottish Guinea Pig Sets Jumping World Record

Scottish Guinea Pig Sets Jumping World Record

Truffles just set a Guinness World Record! The little Scottish Guinea Pig beat the previous record holder for the biggest jump by leaping 12 inches and made his 13-year-old owner Chloe the proudest pet owner around. View Now
Black Bear Breaks in to Raid the Fridge

Black Bear Breaks in to Raid the Fridge

Joey Ball and his family were ending their day when they heard noises outside - and found a bear raiding their refrigerator! And that's not all, because he came back the next day looking for even more meatballs. View Now
Introducing Baby Gorilla Kigali

Introducing Baby Gorilla Kigali

A few weeks ago we met this adorably cute baby gorilla! His mother was having trouble producing enough milk to feed him, but the zoo care takers at the Gulf Breeze Zoo step in to help him grow up big and strong. He needed a name and they decided to name him after his mother, Kigali! View Now
Off-Loading Vital Ship Supplies for Antarctic Reseachers

Off-Loading Vital Ship Supplies for Antarctic Reseachers

The American reseachers stationed in Antarctica are often there all year round, and they require supplies shipped to them in this remote part of the world. The ship has arrived, but thanks to an unusually warm winter the ice dock they normally use is completely melted! The quick thinking Army Engineers whip up a solution in no time! See more great antarctic videos! View Now
Maru Plays in the Bathtub

Maru Plays in the Bathtub

Maru is one of our favorite kitties, and he really enjoys just being cute! Here he is playing in the bathtub (without water of course) and just having a good time! View Now
St. Patrick's Day Riot in London, Ontario

St. Patrick's Day Riot in London, Ontario

An intoxicated crowd of St. Patrick's day partiers got out of control and turned into a 5-hour-long riot that broke out on Fleming Drive in London, Ontario. They set objects on fire and attacked members of the Police and Fire Department. The damage is said to be estimated to be at least $100,000/ In this video you can see the CTV news vehicle overturned and set on fire. View Now
Skateboarding with a Preschooler?

Skateboarding with a Preschooler?

We aren't sure why this guy thought skateboarding with this young kid in a skate park would be a good idea? The minute the video starts you know it won't end well. This is just another example of why helmets are important for young children. View Now
Crossing Guard Pranking

Crossing Guard Pranking

In this "Just for Laughs" segment, these pedestrians are tricked into holding a stop sign that says "I am Gay" and are met by a gay man in his convertible. Their reactions are hysterical once they see what they are really holding. View Now
Naked Chanters Arrested at Philadelphia High School

Naked Chanters Arrested at Philadelphia High School

WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. This Philadelphia family of four bared it all in front of Upper Darby High School on Friday. Police took them into custody when they found them naked in their van with arms locked chanting religious phrases. Police are unsure why they chose to do this in the school parking lot but they have been charged with lewdness. View Now
Puppies Herding Ducklings

Puppies Herding Ducklings

Check out this adorable video of these cute 10-week-old Australian Shepard puppies herding the ducklings from Animal Planet! So cute, we can't even take it! View Now
How to Change Lanes in the Snow

How to Change Lanes in the Snow

If you were ever curious how to change lanes while driving in the snow, you might take tips from this guy who was captured with a dashcam. On second thought, this looks rather dangerous! View Now
