's Recent Videos

WOW! Who Needs Google Maps?

WOW! Who Needs Google Maps?

These directions don't have any street names. This little girl gives amazingly detailed directions to her home, including things like "past the mango tree." Her memory and attention to detail is incredible... but I think I'm already lost. View Now
A Double Messy Lunch!

A Double Messy Lunch!

These cute twin boys had some lunch today, and you would not believe what one of the brothers did! Dad had to whip out the camera so he wouldn't forget this memorable moment! View Now
Daily Comeback: Stupid Wooden Spoon Game

Daily Comeback: Stupid Wooden Spoon Game

This video has been brought back from 2007... and it's a silly one. Take a look at these guys play the "Wooden Spoon Game" where they take turns hitting each other on the head with wooden spoons. Yep, that's actually what they do. It's so awesomely bad, it's worth a watch. View Now
American Idol Contestant Falls Off Stage

American Idol Contestant Falls Off Stage

If you missed American Idol last night, here is a recap of what you missed. 16-year-old Symone Black fainted after singing her song and fell off the stage. American Idol's executive producer Nigel Lythgoe told followers on Twitter: "Hollywood #AmericanIdol week is so tough. 5 contestants collapsed with one falling dramatically from the stage. It was extremely frightening (sic)." I guess the stress and anxiety is really getting to these singers! View Now
Kids Pulled from Burning School Bus

Kids Pulled from Burning School Bus

A quick thinking school bus driver smelled smoke, and immediately started pulling kids off of his bus. Firefighters say that the fire was caused by an electrical short and the fire quickly spread. A nearby parent grabbed a flip camera and caught the fire as it billowed with black smoke. View Now
A View from Above with GoPro Airplane

A View from Above with GoPro Airplane

Ever wonder what your city looks life from above? This guy did and he rigged his GoPro camera to a remote controlled airplane! He takes some serious risks as he flies through the streets and tunnels of his home town, but no risks no fun! View Now
Non-Contact Karate Master? You be the Judge!

Non-Contact Karate Master? You be the Judge!

This video is just too good to be true! Is this karate master really invincible to attacks? He takes on multiple attackers and none of them can seem to make a hit. The voices of the internet say it's just tricks and they have the video to prove it. What do you think? Is it the Force or something more? Let us know in the comments below! View Now
Icy World Weather Round Up

Icy World Weather Round Up

Let's take a trip around the world for a little international weather round up. Japan is having a deep freeze with plenty of snow, while Europe is almost completely frozen over! Yikes! View Now
Brave Police Officer Pulls Man From Burning Car

Brave Police Officer Pulls Man From Burning Car

A police officer in San Diego became an instant hero after he risked his own life and pulled an unconscious man from the wreckage of a burning car. The man, knocked unconscious after he was rear-ended by an SUV after his car stalled in the middle of the road. The man and police are expected to fully recover. View Now
270 Seconds of Summer 2011

270 Seconds of Summer 2011

Ever wish you could pull all the best summer moments together and save them? That's exactly what happened in the video we used for our February 10 credits, which is dedicated to summer 2011! View Now
Bugatti Veyron: The World's Fastest Production Car

Bugatti Veyron: The World's Fastest Production Car

Out in the desolate deserts of southern Arizona, a group of car enthusiasts gathered to make a few practice runs with the world's fastest production car - the Bugatti Veyron. The manufacturers say that the car tops out at 268 mph in ideal conditions and the driver in this video topped out at around 225 mph on their test runs. We have the need, the need for speed! Check out more from the Bugatti. View Now
Randy's Furniture Talks Back to Him

Randy's Furniture Talks Back to Him

Do you ever wonder what your furniture says and does when you're not around? That's the question Rigor Tortoise Comedy tries to answer in this skit about Randy and his lamp! View Now
Genuine UFO Spotted over Wales?

Genuine UFO Spotted over Wales?

After hearing a large banging noise, two brothers looked outside and saw some mysterious floating lights over their neighborhood in Wales. They grabbed their video camera and caught what they saw in the sky! What do you think? What could it be? View Now
