These directions don't have any street names. This little girl gives amazingly detailed directions to her home, including things like "past the mango tree." Her memory and attention to detail is incredible... but I think I'm already lost. View Now
These cute twin boys had some lunch today, and you would not believe what one of the brothers did! Dad had to whip out the camera so he wouldn't forget this memorable moment! View Now
His song is titled I'm Fat Boy Get Down - and it's just that.
This was a video submitted from one of our viewers. Have a video you would like to share? Upload it through our website. View Now
Go behind the scenes with Walk off the Earth! Last month we brought you the amazing cover "Somebody That I Used to Know" by Gotye. This time, they are back with a hilarious parody! View Now
In Chiclayo, Peru at least 260 dolphins were found washed ashore across about a 60 mile stretch of beach. Officials are unsure what the cause of death was, but haven't ruled out the possibility that the dolphins were hunted. Read more information about this tragic incident. View Now
You may have heard the song "Secrets" by OneRepublic. Well here it is, covered by The Lyceum Philharmonic Youth Orchestra and combined with melodies from all four movements of Beethoven's 5th Symphony. The orchestra (ages 13-18!) dedicated this song to Beethoven. View Now
This guy took matters into his own hands when his own daughter disrespected him over her facebook page so he made this message to her. Make sure you watch until the end so you can see what the punishment is! View Now
The Gregory Brothers are back and this time they are songifyingKristen Bells interview on Ellen. We brought this interview to you last week as she shared her love for sloths. We knew it was just a matter of time before we would hear an auto tune version of the hilarous interview. View Now
This video has been brought back from 2007... and it's a silly one. Take a look at these guys play the "Wooden Spoon Game" where they take turns hitting each other on the head with wooden spoons. Yep, that's actually what they do. It's so awesomely bad, it's worth a watch. View Now
If you missed American Idol last night, here is a recap of what you missed. 16-year-old Symone Black fainted after singing her song and fell off the stage. American Idol's executive producer Nigel Lythgoe told followers on Twitter: "Hollywood #AmericanIdol week is so tough. 5 contestants collapsed with one falling dramatically from the stage. It was extremely frightening (sic)." I guess the stress and anxiety is really getting to these singers! View Now
A brand new baby gorilla was born at the Gulf Breeze Zoo in Florida and he's just so adorable that we had to talk to his handlers. He is currently being cared for by the zoo caretakers after his mother was having trouble producing milk to feed him properly. You can even help name the little baby gorilla! Just head over to our facebook page and tell us what his name should be!View Now
A quick thinking school bus driver smelled smoke, and immediately started pulling kids off of his bus. Firefighters say that the fire was caused by an electrical short and the fire quickly spread. A nearby parent grabbed a flip camera and caught the fire as it billowed with black smoke. View Now
You've probably heard of Bigfoot, the Yeti and the Loch Ness Monster, but do you know about Iceland's worm monster? We may have the first footage here! Check out the video of something strange in icy water - then head over to the RightThisMinute Facebook page and tell us if you think it's fake or real! View Now
Look, guys - no ropes! We can't believe how high these city climbers on a rickity Kiev bridge with no safety gear whatsovever, but we're glad they caught it on camera! Thank you Postal and Natasha Sadovskaya for sharing this video with RightThisMinute.View Now
This baby in Russia is not very pleased that the cat is in his bed! He hopes that shaking his crib will get the cat out, but it looks like kitty found the best bed in the house! View Now
Ever wonder what your city looks life from above? This guy did and he rigged his GoPro camera to a remote controlled airplane! He takes some serious risks as he flies through the streets and tunnels of his home town, but no risks no fun! View Now
In all the shark videos we watch, this may be the one where we got the closest to them. When Paul McVicker goes shark diving in Small Hope Bay, he ends up nearly face to snout with one! View Now
This video is just too good to be true! Is this karate master really invincible to attacks? He takes on multiple attackers and none of them can seem to make a hit. The voices of the internet say it's just tricks and they have the video to prove it. What do you think? Is it the Force or something more? Let us know in the comments below! View Now
Let's take a trip around the world for a little international weather round up. Japan is having a deep freeze with plenty of snow, while Europe is almost completely frozen over! Yikes! View Now
A police officer in San Diego became an instant hero after he risked his own life and pulled an unconscious man from the wreckage of a burning car. The man, knocked unconscious after he was rear-ended by an SUV after his car stalled in the middle of the road. The man and police are expected to fully recover. View Now
He was trapped for hours but no one ever gave up on getting this little puppy out of a drain! We got this heartwarming story of one of the cutest rescues ever from WXYZ in Detroit. Check out the full video of the rescue here. View Now
Ever wish you could pull all the best summer moments together and save them? That's exactly what happened in the video we used for our February 10 credits, which is dedicated to summer 2011! View Now
A Chilean commuter train headed to an above-ground storage warehouse derailed and plowed through a full parking lot - into an apartment building. Luckily, no one was hurt, but the the situation could have been much worse! View Now
Out in the desolate deserts of southern Arizona, a group of car enthusiasts gathered to make a few practice runs with the world's fastest production car - the Bugatti Veyron. The manufacturers say that the car tops out at 268 mph in ideal conditions and the driver in this video topped out at around 225 mph on their test runs. We have the need, the need for speed! Check out more from the Bugatti. View Now
Do you ever wonder what your furniture says and does when you're not around? That's the question Rigor Tortoise Comedy tries to answer in this skit about Randy and his lamp! View Now
After hearing a large banging noise, two brothers looked outside and saw some mysterious floating lights over their neighborhood in Wales. They grabbed their video camera and caught what they saw in the sky! What do you think? What could it be? View Now